Legend has it, according to The Tupis-Guaranis indigenous peoples of northern Brazil, the moon would change any young lady into a star of the sky if the moon could simply like her.
Every evening, the moon hides behind the hills surrounding The Tupis-Guaranis' homes far off the horizon.
Once long ago, the young Princess of The Tupis-Guaranis, Pajé, was so intrigued by this story that in the evening, while her people were resting, and the moon was traversing across, she hiked up and approached the high slopes to become this beautiful star of the sky.
She therefore pursued the moon, trusting the moon would see her up in those high slopes. And thus, she would do so each evening from then on.
In any case, the moon did not notice, despite the fact that her crying would be heard like loud echoes.
However, briefly then one particular evening, The Princess saw in the clear waters of a nearby river the picture of the moon.
The Princess thought about whether the moon had come down to take her, so she hopped into the precarious, rushing waters to join the moon in the stunning Celestial Heavens and was never to be seen again.
The moon, as reward for the wonderful Princess’ spiritual penance, changed her into an alternate star, different from all of the others.
In this way, the moon changed The Princess into The Star of The Waters, whose blossoms are now The Victória Régia of the great Amazon river.
At that point, this special plant was born, whose scented white petals bloom and spread out just around evening every time.
What’s more, when the sun shows up in the early mornings, the blossoms change their shadings to delicate pink.
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