Why Do Onions Have Such A Strong Aroma?
The onion is the only vegetable that can make you make you shed tears.
But why?
Onions are made up of 85% water. Proteins, fats, fiber and carbohydrates account for 8% to 10%.
Onions are also rich in minerals and vitamins, especially antioxidants (Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Potassium, Folate) that help the skin and hair.
But really, what causes the aroma?
It's sulfur.
Sulfur will actually help the plant protect itself from predators trying to eat it.
The sulfur component present in onions is called propyl sulfoxide. When it's cut, the onion’s cells then release a gaseous substance, known as lachrymatory factor (LF).
As the onion is cut into pieces, these sulfuric elements will come into contact with the air, thus causing irritation to the eyes.
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